Memberships & Accreditations

We are proud of our Registrations and Accreditations. It is an external validation of our commitment to Health and Safety, Quality and Industry Trade Body. We are constantly seeking to improve and add to our standards.


We are proud to be registered with ALCI – the Association of Landscape Contractors of Ireland (founded 1971) . Redlough Landscapes have been a long standing member. 
The ALCI is the representative body for the landscape sector in Ireland. As such, we are part of the trade body that interacts with government agencies to promote our industry and also receive communication regarding new initiatives in the sector.
As full members of the ALCI, Redlough Landscapes is committed to attaining the highest standards of workmanship. As part or our commitment to the code of conduct of the association, we continue to invest in staff, skills, training and development. We place upmost importance upon health and safety legislation and conduct our affairs in an open and honest manner

Bord Bia Quality Mark

Our Board Bia Quality Mark accreditation pays testament to the high standards we have achieved in all aspects of our business. The introduction of the Board Bia Quality programme ensures that best practice guidelines are set industry wide and gives the client the confidence to make an informed choice. We are one of only a handful of landscaping companies to hold this prestigious award.
Redlough Landscapes have been a participant of the Bord Bia Quality Mark scheme since its inception.
Landscape Contractors in Ireland fall under the Horticulture including landscape contractors is the remit of Bord Bia in Ireland.

ISO 9001

Redlough Landscapes are fully accredited with ISO9001 certification. ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised quality standard. It is the worlds leading quality management standard and has been implemented by over one million organisations in over 170 countries globally. Being one of very few landscapes contractors to achieve ISO 9001 certification in Ireland, Redlough Landscapes have positioned themselves to better serve the needs of their customers and to foster a culture of continuous improvement across all operations.

Get In Touch

Redlough Landscapes Ltd. Belgree, Hollystown, Dublin 15, D15YC3C